Author: Gabriel Cazado. Mitjans de Comunicació de L’Hospitalet


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City | 25/10/2021

L' Hospitalet takes out very good note in sustainable mobility

The study that the consultant IdenCity carries out, with the support of the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, he places the city among the five best Spanish towns not provincial capitals in several identifications that value the quality of the services and the adequacy of the mobility to the goals of sustainable development.

L' Hospitalet has obtained some very good results in the edition 2021 of the Index from Sustainable Mobility that the consultant IdenCity carries out, specialized in the development and the implantation of innovative and sustainable strategic plans for the urban environments and that it explains with the support of the Ministry of Rights Social and Agenda 2030.

Food | 22/10/2021

Delivery i take away es consoliden en 2021

El consum de menjar a domicili o per emportar es consolida després de l’impressionant creixement durant el 2020 a causa de la pandèmia de la Covid-19. El primer semestre de 2021, el final de les restriccions en el consum fora de casa no s’ha traduït en la reducció de facturació d’aquest canal de vendes, sinó en la consolidació del fenomen. A més, durant els últims mesos s’han produït una sèrie d’avenços en la legislació laboral dels riders que estableixen un marc normatiu més sòlid i consistent per al desenvolupament d’aquesta activitat.

Els indicadors previs a 2020 ja feien presagiar un increment sostingut en el consum de delivery i take away. De fet, ja en 2018, l’empresa d’estudis de sectors DBK havia analitzat aquest mercat a Espanya i havia detectat un creixement del 26 per cent respecte a l’any anterior.

Culture | 08/10/2021

The science rises to the stage of the Auditori Barradas to demonstrate that it is a real show

From the 13th to the 17th of October, five stage productions will be offered to explain scientific concepts in a fun and entertaining way.

People do not get sick of the science not even exclusively destined to the experts, two very present premises in the cycle "Science to scene", a small festival of scenic assemblies destined to explaining scientific concepts in a pleasant and fun way. Organized by Pinches of Science, the shows will take place of the 13 in the 17 October in the Auditorium Barradas.

Culture | 06/10/2021

16th Festival of Shorts of L'Hospitalet

On the 12th November the finalists will be projected and the prizes will be given in a soiree in the Cinemas Filmax de Granvia 2

The entity Jóvenes for the Equality and the Solidarity (JIS) organizes, with the support of the Town Council, a new edition of the Festival of Shorts of The Hospitalet, open to the youth of until 35 years.

Culture | 06/10/2021

The Room Key Center of Arts accommodates tomorrow the presentation of the Census of Artists of Catalonia

Impulsado is a tool to map the artistic reality of the country and to contribute to improving the directed policies in the sector for the Department of Culture, the National Board of the Culture and of the Arts and the professional associations of the culture

The elaboration of the Census of Artists was started off in December of 2020 promoted by the Department of Culture of the Generalitat, the National Board of the Culture and of the Arts (CoNCA) and the associations of professionals of the culture with the goal to map the artistic creation of the country and to facilitate the development of the Statute of the artist. The Census implied an exhaustive work of diagnosis and of evaluation from which to describe strategies, guidelines and concrete actions to improve the professional conditions of the artists and the professionals of the culture and the policies public directed in the sector.

Sports | 06/10/2021

Everything ready for the Night Career of L'Hospitalet

The Night Career keeps its spirit solidary and this year he dedicates itself to the Association of Relatives and Friends of Oncològics Children of Catalonia (AFANOC)

This Saturday, 9 October, the sport comes back to the streets of L'Hospitalet with a new edition of the Night Career, a call open to all the world from 14 years. The mayor, Núria Marín, will give the except exit of the 11th edition at 20 hours, to the post of Europe.

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