Author: Gabriel Cazado. Mitjans de Comunicació de L’Hospitalet


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Food | 22/10/2021

Delivery i take away es consoliden en 2021

El consum de menjar a domicili o per emportar es consolida després de l’impressionant creixement durant el 2020 a causa de la pandèmia de la Covid-19. El primer semestre de 2021, el final de les restriccions en el consum fora de casa no s’ha traduït en la reducció de facturació d’aquest canal de vendes, sinó en la consolidació del fenomen. A més, durant els últims mesos s’han produït una sèrie d’avenços en la legislació laboral dels riders que estableixen un marc normatiu més sòlid i consistent per al desenvolupament d’aquesta activitat.

Els indicadors previs a 2020 ja feien presagiar un increment sostingut en el consum de delivery i take away. De fet, ja en 2018, l’empresa d’estudis de sectors DBK havia analitzat aquest mercat a Espanya i havia detectat un creixement del 26 per cent respecte a l’any anterior.

Food | 07/07/2021

The InnBrew shown, The Brewers Convention that will be celebrated to La Farga

The Forge I Center of Actividades accommodates the 1st edition of the InnBrew, The Brewers Convention, an event that is born of the hand of Beer Events, instigator of Barcelona Beer Festival and of Barcelona Beer Challenge undertaken, with the goal to become the meeting point and of reference of the professional sector of the beer so much of Spain, as well as of the South of Europe.

FOUNTAIN: La Farga L'Hospitalet

Food | 05/07/2021

The Village L’H Experience ends with a record number of visitors


The fourth edition of the Village L'Hospitalet Experience ended this Thursday, which was both atypical and crowded at the same time. The event, which takes place in Plaça d’Europa, coinciding with the Mobile World Congress, was visited by about 11,000 people, and 13,200 tapas portions were served, all made by restaurateurs from the city with local products.

Food | 08/10/2020

Barcelona Beer Festival is postponed and will be celebrated of the 16th in the 18th April, in La Farga

Its celebration was foreseen during these days of October

Barcelona Beer Festival will be celebrated of the 16th in the 18th April of 2021. The direction of the brewer event has decided to postpone definitively the festival and to look for a new date in the spring waiting for forecasts more favorable in the face of the pandemic of the Covid-19.

FOUNTAIN: The Hdigital

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